Welcome to my Birthday Pages


I received all of these lovely gifts from some very wonderful ladies. Thanks to all of you for making my Birthday so special.

Please visit the sites of these gifted people. Their links are on their gifts.


My daughter found this ice cream cone at Shy's place. 




My daughter sent my Teddy Bear to Franzen and this is what she sent back as a present for my birthday. Isn't it adorable?


This one came from Bird Lady who adopted the globe from JMDS.







The Background set was made by Sandy, aka Furby. Please do NOT take.

Unless otherwise noted, Copyrights (c) are retained by BetsBears on all existing art, images and graphics located in this site.  All Rights Reserved. Please do not take anything from these pages. This copyright covers my entire website. Thank you.

This site originated on 7/20/2000