Happy Birthday Mom!

These pages are a present for your birthday. I hope you like them. 

(I made a website for Mom and gave it to her as a birthday gift on July 20, 2000. She liked my website and I knew she would enjoy having one of her own. She had so many "Teddy" bear stories and experiments for kids of all ages that I thought would go here nicely. So, please look around and have fun.)


Well then, on with the festivities. We have to have the usual stuff like cake, party hats and balloons or it isn't a party. Right?

So, put on your party hat and I've heard that if you make a wish on a birthday balloon, your wish will come true.

So, go ahead and make a wish before they disappear out of sight!


Here is your ICE CREAM cake made just for you. Yummy! You can eat all the cake you want since this one contains absolutely NO calories! (grin)



A birthday just has to have presents and lots of them! Let's see what you got. 


Then, let me see, what else do we have? A Virtual Birthstone. Isn't this pretty? The red ruby signifies fire and emotion. When you wear this stone, you're always content.


 Buzzy Bee just wanted to drop in and say "Happy Buzzz Day to you too!


Oh, don't think that's the end of it. Not quite yet! Please visit the next page and see what else I have found for you.


Oh look, there's another bee! He just may follow us around for awhile! That's okay isn't it Mom? He is cute and smiling so I don't think you have to fear being stung! (tee hee)








Some of the graphics on this page came from Lori's Tubes.

If you want to adopt any of the graphics shown, please visit their links. Please do not take anything from these pages. Thank you!

Unless otherwise noted, Copyrights (c) are retained by BetsBears and/or S& B Crafts on all existing art, images and graphics located in this site.  All Rights Reserved. Please do not take anything from these pages. This copyright covers my entire website. Thank you.

This site originated on 7/20/2000