Oh dear, it appears we've come upon a couple of skunks having an argument. Do you think we should listen in?



"Something smells around here and I'm sure it isn't me. After all, my name is Petunia and a petunia doesn't "stink".  Well, my name is Daisy and daisies don't "stink" either. I just know it's you, Petunia. It must be. Oh yeah? "


"Hey, who are YOU? Have you been evesdropping? Hrump!!!!!!! What? You're looking for a Teddy Bear picnic? Do WE look like teddy bears to you? You really took a wrong turn didn't you. 

Why don't you scroll down and ask Stripes? He isn't doing anything right now.

Heck, he never does anything. 


We have a very bad attitude don't we?

Well, you would too if everyone told you, you smelled bad especially after all the grooming we do. 






Let's go see if we can find Stripes. I hope he's in a better mood than Petunia and Pansie were, don't you?

(keep scrolling)











"Hi, I'm Stripes. You want to know where the Teddy Bear Picnic is? Oh dear, I know where the picnic is but I'm not suppose to tell. Maybe Petunia would tell you. No? I'm sorry but I've been sworn to secrecy and when friends ask you not to tell, …. Well,…… you know how it is."




 Oh well, you tried didn't you! I guess you have no choice but to "try again".


Good luck and happy hunting! I know that picnic is around here somewhere. So Hit your "back" button to return to the previous page.

Unless otherwise noted, Copyrights (c) are retained by BetsBears on all existing art, images and graphics located in this site.  All Rights Reserved. Please do not take anything from these pages. This copyright covers my entire website. Thank you.

This site originated on 7/20/2000