Welcome To My RAOK Page



I am very happy to be a member of this wonderful group of people. RAOK stands for Random Acts of Kindness. All members spend a little time every day spreading happiness and cheer on the web and in emails.


When I joined this group of special people, I received so many welcoming emails, guest book signatures and gifts.  Here is one of them and you can find others in my guest book.

Shauna also included a little poem with the above gift:

Like Roses in a garden,

Kindness fills the air

With a certain bit of sweetness

As it touches everywhere.


Lady J also sent this little saying along with her gift above:

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.

Yet, nothing is so gentle as real strength.

I hope you will also consider becoming a member of this group. We share our good times and our bad and we are there to anyone who needs a little help. We also have a lot of fun. Visit RAOK's website today and take a look around.



Please take the dove for your website and help us to spread peace around the world.



The butterfly came from Flutterby

This background came from nmp designs

Unless otherwise noted, Copyrights (c) are retained by BetsBears on all existing art, images and graphics located in this site.  All Rights Reserved. Please do not take anything from these pages. This copyright covers my entire website. Thank you.

This site originated on 7/20/2000